Huaiyi Tsai is a Taiwan based photographer, He is a graduate of the SHIH HSIN University in Graphic Communication and Technology.He recently finish his Masters Degree in Digital Photography In School of Visual Arts(SVA) New York.
Tsai has been doing commercial photography for over 15 years,He started his fine art practice in 2013, with the project called “Weaving a Dream of Home”, in Which he photographed Tibetan refugee children in India. He began focus on society and humanitarian issues.
From 2014 to 2017, He toured his solo exhibition “On the other side of Himalaya” to India and joint exhibitions “Weaving a Dream of Home” to Taiwan.
Having been brought up on a small island, big influence have been the geometry of natural and man-made patterns of the environment ,the use of color and shape to redefine water and natural subjects, the color of his work is also influenced by the master photographic artist Ko Si Chi.
Through his recent work, Tsai has started to explore the environment and materialism(consumerism) issues, together with self exploration to find connections between the inner and outside world.
蔡懷毅,出生於台灣屏東,在屏東的離島小琉球長大,大學主修攝影,畢業後進台灣知名攝影家 柯錫杰 先生的工作室擔任助理的工作,隨後進入商業攝影圈學習商業攝影,之後於紐約視覺藝術學院School of Visual Arts(SVA)進修數位攝影碩士,現在為影像藝術創作者,專長是攝影展策劃,以及攝影專案執行,喜歡拍攝環境相關的主題與商業攝影,熱愛旅行,在旅行中發現新事物與美景,個人攝影展於美國、印度、台灣等地。